Meridian Yoga is a form of yoga that actively works with the same meridian system as acupuncture. This form of yoga uses poses to activate and balance energy in the 14 meridian paths. These meridian paths are known as the energy pathways in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), they allow your body and energy to flow and function properly. Meridian Yoga will improve the function of your organs and allow your body to be in its healthiest state physically and mentally. Below are a few of many yoga poses that can increase your energy flow. continue reading
- Tampa Natural Care111 South MacDill Avenue
Tampa, Florida 33609(813) 413-7181 Clinic Hours
Mon10am - 7pmWed10am - 7pmThu10am - 7pmFri10am - 7pmBy Appointment Only
- Testimonials
From FaceBook: Dr. Ken is one of the handful of doctors I have met that genuinely care about their patients. My acupuncture treatments with him improved my overall well being and the herbal supplement he gave me has drastically improved my complexion. Dr. Ken is very knowledgeable but mostly importantly, he is very passionate about his practice.
From FaceBook: My first acupuncture treatment was with Dr. Ken and I couldn’t have been more impressed! I was a little nervous as it was my first time trying it, but I was very happy with the outcome. I have since had several more treatments with Dr. Ken and would recommend him to everyone!
From FaceBook: Dr. Ken’s level of service, knowledge and overall experience is unparalleled. From my very first visit, he demonstrated his care and concern for my well-being, and has continued to provide excellent treatment. Highly recommended!
From FaceBook: I have been going to Dr. Ken on a weekly basis for my migraines and overall health and there’s has been a dramatic improvement. He is extremely thoughtful and caring.
From FaceBook: Dr Ken has helped me with managing pain from a torn meniscus for several months now and I am able to function normally and even maintain my walking exercise regimen to some extent. Dr Ken is AWESOME!! I have several friends and relatives who swear by acupuncture and I’m so glad I tried it!!